This is a very rare antique Royal Doulton pattern called Lily. It was made in flow blue in the 1920s. You will probably never find anything in this pattern for sale online, and Im probably foolish to sell this piece. This large and tall sculptured porcelain cup with ear shaped handle is in gorgeous condition. The rim and the handle are also trimmed in 22kt gold. The pattern is repeated on both side and there is a flow blue on the handle as well as on the inside of the rim.Larger than most cups, this cup is 3 5/8" tall and 4 3/8" wide with handle, or 9 cm x 11 cm. The entire cup is in pristine clean condition with no imperfections or flaws. There are no chips, cracks, scuffs, scratches, or repairs. The flow blue design is strong and not faded. There is some light gold wear on the handle where you fingers would touch the top of the handle. The bottom is signed with the Lion and Crown Mark, the Royal Doulton mark, Lily, Rd No 3880.US Shipping is Free ~ Professionally packed for ultimate protection.
1920s Antique Royal Doulton Flow Blue Lily Over Sized Cup
SKU: 19111