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Mere words cannot convey how rare this antique sterling silver belt buckle is. 
This is an Arts & Crafts Era / Art Nouveau design that dates from around 1880-1890. In my 40 years of collecting jewelry, I have kept this very rare buckle stashed away, never wanting to sell it because I have never seen another like it.
The unique shield design around the flower and large leaf designs are what defines it's rarity. Notice the Celtic or Nordic influence of undulating engraved "arrows" on the wide border that frames the two pieces.  The buckle not signed that I can find but I would attribute this piece to French silversmiths.<br />      I believe there is possibly the remnants of an X mark on one of the buckle loops, which was a mark of French origin, but I can also not rule out this this piece is Danish or Swedish. 
The buckle measures 2 3/4" wide x 2 1/4" tall, or 7 cm x 5.6 cm. The entire buckle, both front and back is in superb condition. The metal is fine and flawless with no scratches, scuffs, or dings. In the recessed arrow areas, there is darker silver from age. There is also some hints of darker silver between the very fine etched lines on the flowers and leaves. 
Comes gift wrapped and shipped in a new presentation jewelry box.

1920s Art Nouveau Sterling Silver Antique Belt Buckle

SKU: 13959
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